Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beginning words

Its always good to tell, how I got in all this.Last year, somebody in India-GII posted about a course called Internet governance, Capacity Building for India, by Diplo Foundation sponsored by NIXI. I found it interesting, especially the "governance" aspect. I applied for it, and somehow got selected, though I must admit my motivation was high. It was a interesting course both in terms of content and course delivery. It dealt with technical, economic, social and cultural issues of Internet, and allowed some thoughts on how Internet evloved, and what were the major forces, and what shapes it today. I did pretty OK in it, and so I got Scholarship to go on with the advanced level of the course, with "specialization" in some thing this time. I chose that something to be Intellectual property rights, and recetly finished this as well. I would dedicate my posts to Interesting IPR stuff hapeening in India and abroad here, and how do these things impact general life.

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